Sundries Pricelist 2023

Fertiliser Price List 2023

Welcome to the OHGAS Trading Hut

Here you will find details of all stock available for sale in our Trading Hut on Pillings Road, Oakham.

Please support your Society by purchasing your products from us, all funds go back into OHGAS.

Kindly note that the Trading Hut is for the use of OHGAS members only! However, if you would like to take advantage of our exceptionally good prices, why not take out a Gardening Club Membership with the Society, which will allow you to purchase from our Trading Hut. Please contact for further details.

Opening Times

Our current opening times are as follows:


October to the end of January - 9:00 to 10:00

February to the end of September - 9:00 to 10:30


Latest comments

04.07 | 09:52

not possible to police plots at all times,but be warned,someone has been and picked most of my summer rapsberries.

18.06 | 17:02

Love these beautiful animals

24.09 | 09:31

I'm sorry about this. Unfortunately it is impossible to do anything after the event. If this happens again, please get in touch with me immediately and I will deal with it for you. Penny

22.09 | 20:36

Can you please stop burning stuff my whole house has stunk of smoke for 2 days now its ok for who ever starts the fires then goes home they don't have to put up with the smell

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