Disciplinary and Eviction Procedures for Members of OHGAS


This procedure will be followed in relation to any alleged acts of misconduct committed by a member of the Society and in relation to any instances of failure to maintain a plot in accordance with Society Rules.


The formal disciplinary procedure normally follows the stages set out below but it should be noted that, depending upon the circumstances, the procedure may be activated at any stage which is considered by the Committee to be appropriate to dealing with the issues.  Repeated minor offences may also warrant disciplinary action. 

First (verbal) Warning:  It is the normal expectation that, except in cases of gross misconduct, or a serious breach of the rules, that Society members will be informed orally/or in writing about shortcomings in their performance, capability and/or conduct.  A witness will normally be required during this procedure.  If after four weeks the situation has not been remedied then it will pass on to the next stage “Second (written) Warning”.

Second (written) Warning:  If there is no improvement and it is considered necessary to issue a written warning to the member of the Society, it will be confirmed in writing and the member of the Society will be informed in writing of the improvement required in a further four weeks.  If an improvement is not made within the specified time in the dated letter then a Final (written) Warning will be issued.

Final (written) Warning: In the event of a failure to respond to the above formal written warning, a final (written) warning may be issued as an alternative to eviction when mutually agreed and where there are mitigating circumstances.  In this case the warning shall remain “live” in respect of any future disciplinary action for a period of 12 months.

Eviction: Failure by a member of the Society to respond to these formal warnings will result in eviction.  The member will be allowed four weeks from receipt of the notice to evict to remove items from the plot.  If this is not done the Committee will remove the items and they may be disposed of at the member’s expense.

Each member has the right to appeal to the Chairperson against any decision within four weeks of any notice issued.

The decision of the Society is final.

Latest comments

04.07 | 09:52

not possible to police plots at all times,but be warned,someone has been and picked most of my summer rapsberries.

18.06 | 17:02

Love these beautiful animals

24.09 | 09:31

I'm sorry about this. Unfortunately it is impossible to do anything after the event. If this happens again, please get in touch with me immediately and I will deal with it for you. Penny

22.09 | 20:36

Can you please stop burning stuff my whole house has stunk of smoke for 2 days now its ok for who ever starts the fires then goes home they don't have to put up with the smell

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